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Sigma Alpha Mu wholeheartedly thanks you and appreciates your generosity. Your donation will be used to improve the chapter and better the greek community.

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Our current tent has served its purpose well, however, it is time to retire it. Its tarp is riddled with holes and its poles have irreparable dents. Large tents such as this one are our single most important item as most of our events are held in an outdoor setting


Our current method of transporting our tents is to have an army of trucks shuffling the equipment back and forth. This poses a safety risk as many of the longer poles stick out of the back. A trailer will alleviate much of this risk and will make transporting fraternity equipment much easier


Our current speakers are becoming worn down over time due to heavy use. We use speakers in order to play music for our events which helps in creating a positive atmosphere which our fraternity can operate in.